1. William Bender and Margaret Smith, "Population, Food, and Nutrition," Population Bulletin, vol. 51, no. 4 (Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau, 1997).
2. Gary Kline, "The Affluent West and the Third World," Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy (Summer, 1998).
3. David Pimental and Marcia Pimental, "Rising Populations, Diminishing Resources," Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy (Summer 1998).
4. Amartya Sen, "Insurance Against Famine," Los Angeles Times, October 16, 1998, p. B9.
5. Lester Brown, "Food Scarcity: An Environmental Wakeup Call," The Futurist (Jan/Feb 1998).
6. Dennis Avery, "The Promise of High-Yield Agriculture," Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy (Summer, 1998).7. William Bender and Margaret Smith, "Population, Food, and Nutrition," Population Bulletin, vol. 51, no. 4 (Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau, 1997).
8. "Food Shortages Could Seriously Worsen in Developing Countries, Report Warns," Wall Street Journal, October 27, 1997.
9. Dennis Avery, "The Promise of High-Yield Agriculture," Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy (Summer, 1998).
10. Frederick W. Crook and W. Hunter Colby, "The Future of Chinas Grain Market," USDA Agriculture Information Bulletin, No. 730 (October 1996).
11. "Nobelist Blames World Hunger on Ignorance," The Daily Yomiuri, November 8, 1997.
12. William Bender and Margaret Smith, "Population, Food, and Nutrition," Population Bulletin, vol. 51, no. 4 (Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau, 1997).
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid.