31. Mark W. Rosegrant and Mercedita A. Sombilla, "Critical Issues Suggested by Trends in Food, Population, and the Environment to the Year 2020," American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1997).

32. Lester Brown and Brian Halweil, "China’s Water Shortage Could Shake World Food Security," World Watch (Jul/Aug 1998).

33. Mark W. Rosegrant and Mercedita A. Sombilla, "Critical Issues Suggested by Trends in Food, Population, and the Environment to the Year 2020," American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1997).

34. Summary of the Regional Impacts of Climate Change (IPCC, 1998), Section 6.10 (Tropical Asia).

35. Mark W. Rosegrant and Mercedita A. Sombilla, "Critical Issues Suggested by Trends in Food, Population, and the Environment to the Year 2020," American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1997).

36. Dennis Avery, "The Promise of High-Yield Agriculture," Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy (Summer, 1998).

37. "Thailand: Demographic and Social Trends," EIU Country Forecasts (Economist Intelligence Unit), March 7, 1997. (P1-47)

38. "Cambodia Trade: Disappearing Trees," EIU ViewsWire (Economist Intelligence Unit), February 24, 1997. (p1-19)

39. Vaclav Smil, "China Shoulders the Cost of Environmental Change," Environment (Jul/Aug, 1997).

40. Ibid.

41. Ibid.

42. Food Security Assessment—November 1997 (Washington, DC: United States Department of Agriculture, 1997).

43. David Pimental and Marcia Pimental, "Rising Populations, Diminishing Resources," Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy (Summer 1998).

44. Hiromichi Kaneko, "Japan Should Lead Asian Food-Security Efforts," The Nikkei Weekly, October 12, 1998, pg. 15.

45. Nancy Dunne, "Sanctions Overload: Two-thirds of the World’s Population is Subject to Some Sort of U.S. Sanctions," Financial Times (London), July 21, 1998, p. 19.