APCSS Publishes New Book ‘Regionalism, Security & Cooperation in Oceania’

By |2016-01-21T12:46:39-10:00August 6th, 2015|Categories: Faculty, Research, College, Azizian, Cramer, Hauger|

“Regionalism, Security & Cooperation in Oceania” is the latest book to be published by the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. The book is edited by APCSS professor Dr. Rouben Azizian and Dean of the College of Security Studies Carleton Cramer. According to Dr. Azizian, the first thought that comes to many minds when thinking about the Pacific Islands region is about warm beaches and blue water. But the region is also a complex study in how diplomatic, defense, economic and socio-political factors, both internal and external, shape the region's identity and comprehensive security. The book does not pretend to be an [...]

Latest publications by APCSS faculty members

By |2016-09-02T14:29:38-10:00February 4th, 2014|Categories: Faculty, Faculty Articles, Hornung, Vuving, Reeves, Cramer|

Security strategies and effective governance were discussed in several recent articles by APCSS faculty members recently. “Bejing’s Grand Strategy Failure,” co-authored by APCSS professors Dr. Jeffrey Hornung and Dr. Alexander Vuving, was published by The National Interest website.  This commentary looks at China’s strategy in the East and South China Seas and why, they believe, is destined to fail. You can read it online at: http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/beijing%E2%80%99s-grand-strategy-failure-9689#.UtBELd7m7fs “Structural Power, the Copenhagen School and Threats to Chinese Security” by Dr. Jeffrey Reeves was published by The China Quarterly. This article looks at current debates surrounding China's security by employing the concept of structural [...]

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