Alumni Program


The Alumni Program provides a forum for former graduates and faculty to maintain contact with the Center and with each other. We maintain a data base of all graduates and former faculty members to help you stay connected with the Center and each other. Additionally, we provide information on the whereabouts of our alumni to our Center Director and Deputy Director so they may meet with you socially during their travels throughout the Asia-Pacific region.

Update your personal data. We encourage you to update us frequently on promotions, changes to duty position and address, and other significant personal and professional events or accomplishments you feel will interest your fellow alumni. If you are a graduate of the College of Security Studies and have not received our products, please contact us.

  • Alumni Division Chief
    John Gasner: 808-971-8906
  • Alumni Division Deputy Chief

  • Records Manager
  • Branch Fax: 808-971-8920

Alumni Publications

Read the latest fellow’s project booklet to celebrate their achievements and discover how their work fosters a secure and prosperous region.

Discover the inspiring stories of DKI APCSS alumni from Afghanistan to Zambia, showcasing their outstanding achievements in making the world safer through security cooperation.



Maintain existing contacts from the course you attended and develop new relationships with participants from all APCSS courses and conferences held. The GlobalNET Network gives you a one stop location for the latest news, conferences, on-line courses, and plans/exercises for the region. All are welcome. Just register once and take advantage of the many resources that are provided.


Military Education and Research Library Network (MERLN) offers the combined resource of the largest and most comp comprehensive collections of military information resources in the world. This webite provides access to the military educational libraries in the United States and worldwide.

  • International alumni earn access to MERLN-net and its commercial databases after graduating from an APCSS course and replying to an invitation email sent by the Alumni Department.
  • U.S. alumni have access to commercial databases via their service portals (AF Portal, AKO, Marinenet, Military One Source, NKO).

For any issues or account assistance, please contact the Library at

U.S. Geological Survey (international)

If you have any specific knowledge of a natural disaster in your area, and related possible needs, you can pass it to us and we will forward it to USPACOM action officers. As part of our “Ohana-family” network, your first-hand, or even second-hand knowledge about the extent of the disaster could be critical in providing possible relief support.

Alumni News

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